Who Am I

NameVincent Michael Pannell
StatusDivorced for so long that I am now Single 😊
Family6 Children + 1 Step Child
WorkPart-Time IT Consultant (own Business)
LocationMannum SA

Work History From the Age of 16

Shop Assistant (Photography)Timber Industry (Sawmill)
Forklift Driver (Loading Trucks)Meat industry (Abbatoirs)
Farm Hand (Dairy)Service Station Assistant
Factory Worker (Westinghouse)Farm Hand (Vegetable Farm)
Mature aged Student (Tafe)Info Tech (IT) Campus Manager
IT Lecturer (Tafe)SA IT Tech (Aussie Broadband)
In-Home Aged Care (Mid Murray Support Inc)Current Status Unemployed /Self Employed

Other Ventures

250 Acre Farm / Fodder Shop
DVD Store / Computer Repair Store (The Virtual Hub) (Closed)
Part-Time Computer repairs (The Virtual Hub) (Still Active)

General Information

I am just an average person and like most people, I am trying to enjoy my life. I know where I stand Morally and go by the adage “if it is not right then by definition it must be wrong”. Fear is not a driving factor in my thinking. I am a “fix it” person and love a challenge.

Am I “Trustworthy”? — I believe I am but that is not my call. Only you can make that Decision.

Am I “Honest”? — Nobody is 100% honest and if they say they are then they are lying, but I am the type of person that if a shop undercharges me I let them know.

Am I a “Critical Thinker”? – 100% Yes, I like to hear and get as much information as I can (even if some of it is way out there) and then I can make a more informed decision. Without all the facts bad decisions get made, and facts from only one side exacerbate this.

Am I “Loyal”? — To a Fault, when I got dismissed from my last job, in aged care, for not abiding by the mandate I promised them that I would not do anything to hurt the business. After all, they were being Blackmailed / Coerced by the covid mandates as well. Now whether you agree with or disagree with the mandates is not the point. The point is that Coercion is against the law and that law was broken all around the country. And those who stood up against that were Ostracised and Vilified. I had no objection to those who wished to take the shot but I did have an objection for those poor people who did not want it but were forced to take it or lose their livelihood.

Am I an “Idiot”? — Sometimes I wonder (See above) you have to be able to laugh at yourself.

Will I protect my “Family” — WITH MY LIFE

Where Do I Stand?

I believe I am a fair-minded person and make my decision or formulate an opinion on the evidence I have to hand. There will be people out there who will not agree with me and that is ok. However please understand that a representative for the people of the Mid Murray Council is just that “A REPRESENTATIVE” and is there to put the majority Consensus forward. If I am in a position where I don’t agree with something I will put forward My reasons to the public but in the end it is Majority rule and that is the way I will Vote for the People.

If you have made it this far, well Done. If you want to know a bit more you could always read a bit more about me on My Rambling Page